It is a somewhat common concern that
cloud servers could endanger you privacy, seeing that this form
of information storage strips the owner of his or her control over
the location of the information. But there is nothing to fear here.
It is similar to the concept of the way electricity is provided. The
average citizen is most likely unaware of where exactly the
electricity is coming from, but he or she are not consciously
concerned whether the kitchen lights will turn on every time the
switch is flipped. He or she simply has a trusting relationship with
the electricity provider. Much like we have a mutually beneficial
relationship with our customers.
Private Cloud Servers
People may be concerned that the
privacy of their information will be unsafe when stored on a shared
physical computer. However, this is why we refer to them as “private”
servers. Virtually Private Servers (VPS), as they are also called,
uses the same software to backup and store information, while each
individual virtual machine is separated from another. Think of it as
two individuals sitting together in the same room. Each one of them
possesses an incredible amount of private information, but unless
they communicate this information to each other, the information in
their heads will never be released. This is how our system works as
well. We make sure to adhere to our customers' needs, and if you do
not want your information to be shared, we will make sure it is
safely stored in our system.
Labels: cloud hosting, cloud servers, cloud storage, disaster recovery solutions, server hosting