Thursday, October 6, 2011

Small Australian Businesses Adopting Cloud Computing

Cloud computing was first embraced by large businesses and corporations that saw the value in relocating and streamlining their IT infrastructures. While big businesses switched almost immediately, seeing the added value of moving IT functions to remote locations to reduce the cost of IT management  onsite, small businesses were hesitant to make the move.  Over time, small businesses have cobbled on to the money-saving cloud hosting industry that also provides improved flexibility, increased security and fewer risks.

Third-party service providers facilitate and take over the responsibility for the IT systems for the businesses. Third-party service providers handle various aspects of IT management such as managing computer servers, performing software updates, and backing-up data and software. The business basically rents spatial capacity and accesses their information from a remote location via the Internet. This reduces the overall cost for businesses because there is no need to have a full-time or part-time employee that handles IT management.

The number of cloud hosting and cloud service providers has grown rapidly over the last few years, in size and in the range of services offered. Now, instead of simply moving your general IT functions to a cloud provider, you can also access a range of cloud-based software including accounting systems, sales management systems and office productivity software. In Australia, this is especially verifiable.

According to a report by The Australian, as posted in The Wall Street Journal's Business section, small businesses in Australia have adopted cloud computing and cloud hosting services to help make their businesses more effective and cost-efficient.

"The greatest thing about the cloud is that enables you to scale and grow easily," said the Managing Director of Rookie Recruits, Andy Springer. "We needed IT systems that could grow with the business but did not require the IT budget of a large corporate to put in place."

Cloud computing and cloud hosting provides the opportunity for small businesses to save money and man power by moving IT management to third-party service providers. While this industry is growing at a rapid pace, studies predict we are barely tipped the iceberg of the impact that cloud hosting will have on IT management and businesses worldwide. 

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