Friday, September 30, 2011

U.S. Government to Switch to Cloud Hosting

According to an article on, the U.S government has plans to start implementing cloud hosting solutions. While some organizations are reluctant to make the switch, it seems as though the government has "hopped aboard the cloud train with two solid feet." The biggest motivator, according to the article, is the cost savings associated with adopting cloud technologies. This decision couldn't come at a better time, as the federal government continues to be scrutinized for its budget mess and spending beyond its means by its own members and taxpayers alike.

Perhaps companies that are reluctant to switch to cloud hosting technologies should take a close look at the amount of money the government could save on expensive physical data centers by implementing cloud computing networks. Currently, the federal government spends $80 billion on information technology every year; however, by eliminating 40 percent of its computer centers in the next four years, they could end up saving $5 billion annually. Some federal agencies have already adopted cloud-based services and they're reaping the benefits. For example, the Department of Agriculture transferred 140,000 email accounts to the cloud which saved the government $42 million.

The Chairman of the U.S. Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, Earl Devaney, explains in the article that "moving to the cloud allows us to provide better service at lower cost." By moving their site to a cloud hosting infrastructure, the Board enjoys more efficient operations and improved security. Devaney says he hopes the development "will inspire other government entities to accelerate their own efforts." Those who criticize the government for overspending will be happy to hear that, according to Devaney, "American taxpayers would be the winners" if more government bodies decide to move to the cloud.

If cloud hosting solutions can help the government cut back on spending during a downturn in the world economy, imagine what switching to a cloud server could do for your business. At Server Intellect, we can take the hassle of server management off your hands, optimize your infrastructure, streamline processes, and ultimately save you money. To learn more about our cloud servers, read the information we have provided on our website or feel free to contact us.

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