Thursday, December 29, 2011

Is Your Privacy Protected in Cloud Servers?

It is a somewhat common concern that cloud servers could endanger you privacy, seeing that this form of information storage strips the owner of his or her control over the location of the information. But there is nothing to fear here. It is similar to the concept of the way electricity is provided. The average citizen is most likely unaware of where exactly the electricity is coming from, but he or she are not consciously concerned whether the kitchen lights will turn on every time the switch is flipped. He or she simply has a trusting relationship with the electricity provider. Much like we have a mutually beneficial relationship with our customers.

Private Cloud Servers
People may be concerned that the privacy of their information will be unsafe when stored on a shared physical computer. However, this is why we refer to them as “private” servers. Virtually Private Servers (VPS), as they are also called, uses the same software to backup and store information, while each individual virtual machine is separated from another. Think of it as two individuals sitting together in the same room. Each one of them possesses an incredible amount of private information, but unless they communicate this information to each other, the information in their heads will never be released. This is how our system works as well. We make sure to adhere to our customers' needs, and if you do not want your information to be shared, we will make sure it is safely stored in our system.

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What is Cloud Hosting?

Have you come across the term “Cloud Hosting” lately and wondered what this cloud buzz is all about? For many people, this is a somewhat new and unfamiliar term. The technology, however, has been around for quite some time now. The basic idea is to assist both businesses and private individuals with web hosting in a way that provides public access to different types of computing services. Instead of having each company or person go out and buy their own products, this technology lets you use the services through our server.

Server Intellect's Approach
Server Intellect believes that in order to run a successful cloud hosting services, the main focus should be on key terms like Redundancy, Scalability, Value and Performance. We emphasize your needs and base our business theory around those needs. In a world where things like sudden computer crashes and unpredictable natural disasters can endanger an entire business, our company will provide the most reliable services to keep your business safe from harm.

Why You Should Join Our Cloud
The benefits of cloud hosting are many. Not only does it provide you with an endless source of up-to-date information, this information is also stored on multiple servers, in case a hardware failure would occur. Our cloud provides an infinite source of processing power, seeing that there is always another server available if you wish to scale up. Moreover, the service cost is based on usage, much like a standard utility bill, preventing unnecessary reservation of unused server power.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why Managed Servers Are Lifesavers

Most of us do not realize what a vital part managed servers play in both personal and corporate life. Although we may have the ability to predict when certain natural catastrophes will occur, we have yet to figure out a way to stop them from happening. A common side effect from these disasters is a power outage that may stretch from a few seconds up to several days. In such an event, tons and tons of valuable information that may have been collected for years, could now be lost in cyberspace with no available tools for recovery. Unless(!) you and/or your business have your data backed up on either one or several managed servers, that is.

Think of it in terms of the recent, and quite sarcastic, GEICO commercial, where robots have replaced humans in the roles of modern daycare personnel. Insane, right? Who would leave their toddlers in the hands of a robot? Much like this commercial suggests, it would be insane to leave crucial information in the hands of uncontrolled machines. Therefore, our servers at Server Intellect are monitored by real humans who are on call 24/7, helping you with everything from data retention and email archiving, to server administration and security services.

So, next time an unexpected disastrous event comes knocking on your door, you can be sure that our managed servers will keep your information safely stored.

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